dans DoCoMoMo Journal – n°54, janvier 2016

Housing Reloaded
  • Résumé [EN] :

The Cité de l’Etoile, in Bobigny, design by Candilis Josic and Woods (1954–1963) is one of the housing estates, results of the french national competition named opération Million. Commissioned by Emmaüs, the 737 homes are a kind of synthesis of the experiments of Candilis in Marocco and the city planning thinking of the team. The demolition planned in 2008 has been avoided and the Cité de l’Etoile has been labelled 20th century heritage. The rehabilitation project brings to light the contradictions of an highly conflicting situation. Between blind demolition and a well-thought out project of restoration the question of the safeguard of collective social housing complex of the second half of the 20th century is still waiting solutions.


  • Un court essai reprenant des éléments d’une recherche publiée en 2014 :

La Cité de l’étoile à Bobigny. Un modèle de logement social, Richard Klein (dir.)

Avec des textes de Richard Klein, Carine Lelièvre, Loïc Josse, Patricia Martineau.

Paris : Ed. Créaphis, coll. “Lieux habités”, 2014, 160 p.

> en savoir plus sur l’ouvrage
