Bodies of ENSAPL

The ENSAPL is a public establishment with an administrative character under the control of the ministry of culture.

Its director, named by the president’s decree, executes decisions establishment projects adopted by the administration council.

To prepare this project and these decisions, the ENSAPL has different bodies and debate commissions:

  • The administration council
  • The teaching and scientific council
  • The formation and student life commission
  • The research commission

By deliberations the administration council, the teaching and scientific council and its propositions, the director with his decisions insure every architectural schools administration.

Decree n° 2018-109 of the 02/15/2018 relative to national schools of architecture

The administration council (CA)

Consultation body, the CA has general orientation competences and establishment management.
They discus on interior rules and studies, on the teaching program prepared by the CPS, on the budgets, financial accounts, contracts and convention, questions relative to public finances… The CA is also competent in recruitment by transfer of teachers, for different positions, or in recruiting associated teachers, which allows the teaching program to be executed Fundamental questions are answered by presentations and debates on different statements and school perspectives in particular for the presentation of the activity report.

CA’s composition

  • Antoine BEAL
  • Mathieu BERTELOOT
  • Bénédicte GROSJEAN
  • Ghislain HIS
  • Hélène MARCOZ
  • Camille MOURIER
  • Ahlem GHEZZALI
  • Noé FIHEY
  • Aymeric MANTE
  • Hafid AÏT IFRANE
  • Sébastien FREMONT
  • Caroline SALEMBIER
Of right
  • Irène PEUCELLE, Conseillère régionale
  • déléguée de la région Hauts-de-France
  • Hélène MOENECLAEY, Vice Présidente de la Métropole Européenne de Lille
  • Mohamed OURAK, président de la COMUE
  • Marie STEENKISTE, architecte désignée par le Président du Conseil Régional de l’Ordre des Architectes
  • Stéphanie LAMARCHE-PALMIER, Directrice de l’agence Hauts-de-France de laFondation Abbé Pierre, Présidente du C.A
  • Marc DUMONT, Directeur de l’Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de Lille
  • Jean Christophe LEVASSOR, directeur de la Condition Publique
  • Arlette BAUMANS, Architecte et Urbaniste
  • Lucie QUIEVREUX, Ingénieur paysagiste et urbaniste
Consulting voices
  • François ANDRIEUX, Directeur
  • Nicolas GALLET, Secrétaire général
  • Gilles MAURY, Président de la CFVE
  • Catherine GROUT, Vice-présidente du CPS, présidente de la commission de la recherche
  • Hervé MILLE, Agent comptable
  • Marc DROUET, Directeur des affaires culturelles des Hauts-de-France
  • Valérie CABUIL, Rectrice de l’Académie de Lille
  • Pierre-Laurent SIMONI, Contrôleur budgétaire régional
  • Toute autre personne dont la présence est jugée utile par le Président

The teaching and scientific council (CPS)

Composition :
  • Student life and course commission (CFVE)
  • Research commission (CR)

The CPS in plenary session

They elaborate propositions and opinions on general orientations relative to courses and research (certifications, sites policies, contracts)

The CPS restricted to research

The work on questions relative research and make propositions on recruitment Every commission (CFVE, CR) is able to elaborate course policies, of student life and research inside of the school
The CPS represents the scientific and teaching community of the school. Its composition has to allow the effective representation of research teachers especially professors, the diversity of academic and professional profiles, disciplinary fields, men and women.

CPSs composition

President of the CFVE and CPS: Gilles Maury
Teaching officials
  • Antoine ALLARD
  • Caroline BIGOT
  • Didier DEBARGE
  • Amélie FONTAINE
  • Dominique HENRY
  • Céline LEBLANC
  • Béatrice MARIOLLE
  • Gilles MAURY
  • Cédric MICHEL
  • Pierre SEMAL
  • Annie TARDIVON
  • Roberta ZARCONE
Student representative
  • Emeline Poirier
  • Théophile MAS
  • Sophie KOENIG
  • Ilyas CHAOUI
  • Sophie MAILLE
  • Johan MICHEL
Administrative officials
  • Romain KLAPKA
  • Sylvie SAVELS