The Licence 1

The licence 1 is an initiation year, making it possible to enjoy the capacity of adaptation of student in architectural studies. Unique in France this year is common for students in architecture and landscaping of the ENSAPL.

Year organisation

  • First semester – teaching coordination: Ghislain His

The S1 is a lead into architecture that strives to present to new students the different disciplinary fields which compose architecture and landscaping, at the same time during trans disciplinary studios, but also during classes or more autonomous directed work. The objective is to allow the student to understand how much these different classes participate in the conception of a project.

Thus, these three levels of real of the project which the site compose (“do with the existing”, being ether a terrain or a building), the program (“collective stories”) and materiality (“to build”) are demanded in a specific way as well as in way that is articulated with the landscaping or architectural project, under different temporalities and different teachable forms.

The teaching of representation tools of the project under computer drawing or by hand, might it be free or coded are also articulated so that students understand how much have to be used under projects intention and not as a constraint.

  • The second semesters –  teaching coordination: Antoine Beal

The S2wants itself to be plural and cross themed in which it tackles in architecture as well as in teaching approaches. Numerous experiences have been done in the representation fields, art, 1:1 scale and other fields (sociology, history, arts, etc.). In particular, one of three exercises concerns a project related with the terrain, which needs to be rethought in relation to landscaping and art classes.

All along this first year a “core” between representation and architecture is formed, while conserving each and everyone’s autonomy, to encourage expression of constructive detail and materiality during different exercises: coded drawing or by hand, models, surveys, sketchbooks and computing.

In architectural science and technic, the class of construction axes itself on sustainability and a huge spectrum of question on new questions essential to architecture: choice of materials, bio conception of buildings resource preservation etc.
