The first cycle leads to a diploma in architecture (DEEA) giving a licence degree devotade to the acquisition of an architectural culture bases threw multiple fields (structure, geometry, philosophy, sociology, art history, urban planning, thermal moods…), conception processes, and comprehension and project practice.
The teachers are organised in 6 semesters costing 180 European credits (ECTS). This cycle is validated by an oral presentation of a study report (personal work written in a synthesis and reflexions on questions of work classes and/or internships)
At the ENSAPL, the licence cycle is an initiation cycle for a generalised course in architecture. The school registers itself in the spirit by suggesting moments of fusion between courses in architecture and landscaping during the first year, more specified autonomous moments in second year, and of punctual mutualisation in the third year.
Studio subjects, punctuated by school trips, are determined as to guarantee to students a more complete vision of the extent of diversity possible in the trade.
Objectives and general terms
The objective is that students can better themselves with different working methods as well as general culture in architecture and landscape, by learning new languages new tools, by experimenting forms and forces, by discovering production methods as actors, social issues in their action.
If the school tends to avoid having badly oriented students not willing to continu their course to the end of the first cycle, it strives to make possible to follow other course in a master’s degree.
Years and semesters organisation:
The calendars are put in place to guarantee different time tables for student, between weekly classes, more intense moments (complete days or more), long or short workshop.
This organisation allows to free some time for students for them to be able to organise themselves in their work as well as to be able to cultivate themselves (reading, expositions, visits, etc…)
The succession of licences semesters offers a course that treats about different themes:
- Licence 1 is an initiation year, making it possible to enjoy the capacity of adaptation of student in architectural studies.
– The S3: a conception project of a small equipment, articulating itself with an existing building (extension or adaptation).
– The S4: a project in housing conception
- Licence 3 is divided into two semesters:
– The S5: the city and urban fabric,
– The S6: synthesis project (mixt program)