An architectural and landscaping school
The ENSAP of Lille offers two courses in architecture and in landscaping. These two courses allow the school the opportunity to have an original identity, and develop a real interdisciplinary approach in architecture, urbanism, and landscaping.
The ENSAPL is open to all baccalaureates. Admissions in first year, licence 1 or CPEP1 is done via the national platform of Parcoursup. After examination of their school file (grades in the two last years) and of their motivation letter, selected candidates will be auditioned by two teachers. This interview allows us to evaluate the student views, his motivation and his critical thinking (no presentations of personal productions). Entries during the year or transfers are possible.
Discover all the application terms >
- The first cycle that lasts 3 years leads to a diploma that licentiates in architecture (DEEA).
- The second cycle that lasts 2 years leads to a national diploma of architecture giving a master’s degree (DEA).
- The third cycle which lasts 4 years, leads to a doctorate in architecture in connexion with the Ecole Doctorale Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société de l’Université de Lille or the Ecole Doctorale Sciences Economiques, Sociales, de l’Aménagement et du Management de l’Université de Lille.
- The ENSAPL delivers empowerment to exercises of project managing in your own name (HMONP) alongside state architect. This course is specifically turned to the exercise of architecture in your own name and on the responsibilities and professional assets that come with it.
- The first cycle of the course lasts 2 years and allows students to start a course in landscaping before integrating a cycle that leads to the state diploma of landscaper.
- The second cycle lasts 3 years, and leads to the state diploma of landscaping (DEP), giving a master’s degree.
- The third cycle of this course which lasts 4 years, leads to a doctorate in architecture and landscaping in connexion with the Ecole Doctorale Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société de l’Université de Lille or the Ecole Doctorale Sciences Economiques, Sociales, de l’Aménagement et du Management de l’Université de Lille.
Different courses of the ENSAPL
