The Doctorate in Architecture
Le troisième cycle conduit à la délivrance, par l’Université de Lille, du diplôme de docteur « spécialité architecture » conférant le grade de doctorat. Il se prépare à l’ENSAPL, en partenariat avec deux écoles doctorales universitaires : l’ Ecole Doctorale Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société de l’Université de Lille ou l’Ecole Doctorale Sciences Economiques, Sociales, de l’Aménagement et du Management de l’Université de Lille.
General objectives and modalities
Access requires a level of training corresponding to the master’s degree. Fields of architectural research are vast and extend to applied research: analysis formal, history, sociology, anthropology, economy, modelling, design, construction, atmospheres, mobility, infrastructure, transport, project analysis, urban history, urban sociology, etc …
Funding is possible to access this cycle: doctoral contracts, scholarships, Industrial Conventions for Training through Research (CIFRE).
The doctoral students work is then supervised by a thesis director, member of the laboratory and
Authorized to Direct Research (HDR). The doctorate degree in architecture is issued by the University of Lille at the end of the submission of a thesis and a defence public.
Since 2016, the thesis can be co-supervised by an architect or any other professionally recognized.
LACTH, the laboratory of ENSAPL research
The LACTH was created in 2005 at ENSAPL by the regrouping of the members of its two
research teams – AVH (Architecture, City, History) and CEC (Design and Teaching
de la Conception), established in 1994 – to which researchers were subsequently joined
of the Landscape training (in 2007-2008). Thus constituted, the laboratory has a vocation
LACTH’s work and projects, collaborations and research programs, developed at within four specific areas of Design, History, Territory and Materiality. They are federated by a common questioning on the complexity of objects, shapes and constitutive speeches of architecture, the city and contemporary landscapes.
The synergy of these diversified activities has as a goal training through research, Opening to doctoral training (in particular to the Doctorate in Architecture) As well as Research Clearances (HDR).

The funding of the thesis.
As a general rule, scholarships or research allowances cover the duration of the thesis, either 3 years maximum (36 months), starting the year of the first registration in doctorate. The application files must be approved by the HDR teacher approached for supervision of the thesis as well as by the directors of the laboratory and the doctoral school of attachment.
The main funding prospects for LACTH doctoral students are as follows:
- The doctoral contract
Submission of files in May / June, before the first registration for a thesis.
Modalities. The doctoral contract, for a period of one year renewable twice (maximum 3 years), is granted by the MCC on the proposal of the director of the doctoral school, after consulting the thesis director and director of research unit (LACTH)
Selection criteria: Mention Bien or Tres Bien in Master (research honours) attestation of research flexibility, agreement of an active HDR research director (and possibly a non-HDR co-encoder if the subject so requires), laboratory agreement attesting the integration of the candidate in one of his priority axes, interest of the quality issue of the feasible methodology of the research project.
- The CIFRE contract.
The "Industrial Conventions of Training by Research associate around a project doctorate, three partners: a company, a laboratory and a young graduate, holder of a Master. They are obtained by the ANRT (National Association for Technical Research for the ministry of research).
Filing of files: Applications can be sent at any time of the year.
Procedures: The company and the doctoral student's host laboratory establish, at the latest 9 months after the first registration for a thesis, a research collaboration contract stipulating the conditions for the development of the partnership and in particular the methodology for research, places of practice of the doctoral student, confidentiality issues, property intellectual.
Selection criteria. The research laboratory must be located in a university school, a public research organization. The company must be governed by French law. The candidate must have a recent Master's degree (less than 3 years). School registration doctoral program must cover the entire duration of CIFRE.
- Hauts-de-France region: Research grants (ALCR)
This allowance is allocated by the Region and covers a maximum of 50% of the doctoral student's salary, charges included, and allocated for a period of three years.
The thesis subject must be in line with the research priorities defined by the call for "research grants" projects launched annually by the Region.
* For 2019, the documents must reach the Region before Friday February, 2019 at 12:00 by electronic means by the establishments having validated the request on the platform form http: // guide-aide
- Mobility aids
According to their doctoral school of affiliation and / or according to their thesis subjects, doctoral students can benefit from mobility aid from public or private organizations - such as the Fulbright program of the Franco-American Commission, for example, every year grants mobility scholarships to the United States.