Architectural studies
Architecture, from public interest is recognised by the law relative to architecture of 1977, contributes to enhance the quality of life of citizens. It has a fundamental role to think about mutations and fabrication of urban suburban and rural spaces. Might it be of build quality, living conditions or territorial organising, architecture brings the indispensable technical and aesthetic gains, functional and usage to construction, heritage of tomorrow.
The ENSAPL is open to all baccalaureates. Admissions in first year, licence 1 or CPEP1 is done via the national platform of Parcoursup. After examination of their school file (grades in the two last years) and of their motivation letter, selected candidates will be auditioned by two teachers. This interview allows us to evaluate the student views, his motivation and his critical thinking (no presentations of personal productions).
A course organisation following the LMD plans
Work experiences
Three work experiences have to be done during the studies in architecture. Students are responsible for the research of those internships. They allow the confrontation to a diversity of jobs in architecture and to different professional practicess.
Worker internship
Of a minimum of two weeks, this first internship has to be done during the first year of the first cycle. Done in building crafting companies, it allows the discovery of the building world and a first approach to the working world.
The first practice internship
Of a minimum of one month, this internship has to be done between the second and third year of the first cycle. Its goal is to apprehend the diversity of architectural practices. It can be done in every structure of architecture, the city and its landscape, in France or abroad: architectural agency, urban planning or landscaping, research unit, state services, CAUE, local collectivities, HLM offices, regional or national parks, mixt economy companies, non-governmental organisations, museums… it allows to connect students to professional reality.
Practical training period
Of a minimum of two month, it has to be done during the second cycle in the same structure as the first practice internship. It has to be done under the trusteeship of an architect and allows a first professional experience.
For internships abroad, depending on the country, specific conditions relative to the interns visa, as well as social protection in case of work injuries and social security.
- The architectural diploma with a licence degree (DEEA).
- The architectural diploma with a master’s degree (DEA).
- The doctorate in architecture
- The empowerment to exercises architecture in your own name (HMONP)
> More and more intervention domains
The first article of 01/03/1977’s law on architecture reminds us that it is an expression of culture and that its intervention are of public interest. The market’s and society’s contemporary evolutions gives architecture rich and varied missions beyond traditional constructions of non and residential building.
Architecture and landscaping studies allow to exercise numerous jobs: liberal, employed, in the public sectors, teacher or researcher, or working for a territorial community. Graduates can practice as a programmer, urban planner, landscaper, designer, stage designer. These studies lead to very interesting jobs, essential and demanding, mobilizing skills and technical knowledge and high level practices, which share common values for the purpose of quality et territorial planning for everyone .
